^ I love gardens after the rain. They always seem so happy and wild.

^ Our Just Married sign still posted on the back of the bus.

^ I love the rain. It quenches my thirst and renews my spirit. Always.

^ Back porch living is the order of the day when I'm home at my parents' house.

^ His sloppy little beard after he takes a drink of water. (P.S. Have you noticed that the frame is always a little blurry when this specimen is posted? It's because he's never still.)

^ This book is stunning and pulls at the heartstrings in all the best ways. If you know me personally, then you likely know that I am not generally a reader of sad books. I can get swallowed up whole by a sad story line, but lately I've been trying to expand my horizons and I think it's good for me. This book, in particular, is quite sad, but absolutely beautiful.
Other simple things we're grateful for:
• Cell phones, so that I can talk to Jeffrey while he's away.
• Social media. The entire world waffles on the idea of it (I'm part of that, too), but lately I'm feeling truly grateful for the way it can connect me to people who I may otherwise lose contact with. What a blessing.
I wish I could put into words the way my heart hurts over the loss of 19 brave firefighters who gathered their courage to fight Arizonan wildfires in the name of protecting others. The truth is, there are no words. I think that's part of a tragedy — no words to smooth it over or make it better. Bloggers are often criticized for saying something about a tragedy and then moving on. I understand that sentiment. Sometimes it does feel superficial, but please know that I am praying and sending all my love and support toward the families and friends who greatly need it right now. I will continue to offer words of peace and encouragement and calm in the moments when I feel it deep in the pit of my heart. xo
ahh love the just married sign!